Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, except backwards and in high heels."

Well, Justice and I just dropped Ryan off at the buses to take him to NTC in California. After a long morning of "hurry up and wait" we had a quick kiss goodbye. I have already started counting down the days until he comes home again, but I also have a busy few weeks ahead of me. I've catalogued a list of "to-do's" in my head and have plans of throwing a party for the company spouses. I want to paint our bedroom and teach Justice a new trick. I plan on working on my bowling game and finally starting my garden. I'm hoping having these to-do's in writing will force me to actually follow through.

I'm no Ginger Rogers on the dance floor, but I hope I can make Ryan proud and "be all that I can be" while he is gone. Please keep him and his soldiers in your thoughts as they hopefully learn things that will keep them safe in Iraq.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What wonderful plans you have to keep yourself busy! You are a wonderful officer's wife and you make us all proud!
We love you so much!