Friday, April 18, 2008

Since when are Americans under any obligation to vote for a specific type of candidate just because they share that categorical trait with them? As strongly as I feel about some issues, I can't say I will never vote for a Democrat. I can't say I will never vote outside of my social issues box. I can say that I will always vote for the candidate who has my best interests' in mind. The article says, "In the absence of major differences in their policy positions, race and gender loyalty becomes a factor." What are their policy positions? Shouldn't American voters be more concerned with what exactly those policy issues are rather than the "firsts" that they may or may not accomplish. Who cares if Hillary is a woman and Barack is black. What do they stand for as people, as Americans, and the possible future leaders of our nation? What will they do for our military? What will they do to fix healthcare? I don't know. Do you? All I really know about Hillary is that she is the first woman who has a viable chance at becoming our Commander in Chief and by the way isn't owed a darn thing from our country. As hard as the job is, it is an honor to hold that office. I'll get off my soap box now. I just find it amazing that any voter would fore go the privilege of "choice" just because a candidate is the same color or gender as they are. Last time I checked we weren't living in the USSR.

“Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities... With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.” —Thomas Jefferson

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